Our Vision
‘……I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength’
Phil 4:13
At St John’s we foster an ethos deeply rooted in the Bible, underpinned by faith and committed to educational excellence.
In our community, we respect that everyone is uniquely made in the image of God. We grow together in wisdom, compassion, strength and instil a sense of hope for all to flourish.
We make a difference.
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Our Curriculum
Whole School Curriculum Map
The Curriculum is mapped out across the school for each year group. These Curriuclum maps, outline the key aspects of work covered in each subject across the year. You can view these by clicking on the documents below:
Knowledge Organisers
What are knowledge organisers?
A knowledge organiser is a set of key facts or information that pupils need to know and be able to recall in order to master a unit or topic. Typically, an organiser fits onto one page of A4, which helps pupils to visualise the layout of the page, which in turn helps them to memorise the information better.
How will a knowledge organiser help my child?
Knowledge organisers will be made available at the start of each unit to help them remember what they are learning and to help them to see the bigger learning journey in their subjects. Instead of forgetting previous learning, pupils will continually revisit and retrieve prior learning from their memories.
How will a knowledge organiser help me to help my child?
Many parents/carers ask us how they can help to support their children at home. The knowledge organisers will help parents/carers to:
- To understand exactly what their children are supposed to learn and remember
- To know what language they should use when discussing learning at home
- To know how to support their children in learning about a topic
You will find the Year groups knowledge organisers saved within the subject folder using the same links as above
Remote Learning
At times there may be need for pupils to learn remotely due to unforseen circumstances or for planned lengthy absences. The school will support the online learning of pupils unable to attend school under these exceptional circumstances.