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St John’s School Orchestra

Every Wednesday morning St John’s School Orchestra is in school bright and early to start practicing for the morning’s assembly where they accompany the singing during our weekly clergy visit. 

After school, the Orchestra Club also meet every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30pm, learning a wide range of music from classical pieces to modern day pop songs.

Above are some photographs of the children practicing hard!  We are very proud of our children and the hard work they put in on a weekly basis, as well as all the practicing in between!

The children are improving and gaining in confidence all the time. We are very lucky to have over 40 members who play a variety of instruments.  If you are interested in joining the school orchestra and your instrumental teacher says you are ready, please speak to Mrs Ogunniyi or Mrs Lacey who will be delighted to welcome you on board! Alternatively you can pick up a letter from the school office. 

St John's Orchestra makes National Final for Music for Youth


The orchestra performed fantastically at the regional festivals for Music for Youth in Ealing and were chosen to perform at the National Festival in Birmingham which took place in July. 

Click HERE to see more pictures and information about the event.

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