Pastoral Care Clubs
Young Carers Club
Some children will need more support than others if they are to achieve their potential. We believe that young carers are amongst this group and we strive to ensure they are supported within school and by all agencies to help them live happy, safe fulfilling lives.
What is a Young Carer?
A young carer is anyone up to the age of 18 who is affected by care responsibilities within the home, where the person being cared for is disabled, has a long term illness, mental health issues or difficulties resulting from substance and or alcohol use.
At St John’s we provide a club for children to have fun, relax and be themselves. Children have a key adult who monitors their well-being with oversight from the SENCO.. See Young Carers Policy.
Forces Club
Due to the school location, we have several Services families in our community and we cherish these pupils and families. We aim to provide a community for service children transitioning into and from our school. We recognise that service families are often on the move and we endeavor to make their time with us as nurturing and uplifting as possible.
Our Forces Club helpc children quickly establish friendships with other service children across the school and feel a sense of belonging. Club sessions provide opportunity for leader to raise awareness of their own strengths e.g. resilience. Parents and children have a central point of contact from who they can seek help at any time, including 2 weekly face to face opportunities for children on club days. We utilise resources from Little Troopers to inform the club sessions.