Private Lessons
At St Johns we pride ourselves on offering tuition on a wide variety of instruments. The instrumental lessons happen during the school day throughout the week. The lessons are taught by specialist instrumental teachers from Harrow Music Service. The children's lessons are on a rota so that they do not miss the same class lesson each week. Timetables are displayed in each classroom for the children to access. Children must remember to bring in their instrument and music on the day of their lesson.
Monday - Drums
Tuesday - Woodwind and Cello
Wednesday - Guitar and Brass
Thursday - Oboe
Friday - Violin and Viola
To see more information about all the different instrument lessons we offer and to find out who teaches them, then please click on the links below. If you have any private lesson enquiries, please contact Mrs Lacey via the school office.
If you wish to learn and instrument and need help deciding which instrument to learn, then click on the image below to watch the videos for some guidance.