Information about the Three I's

Using correct mathematical language is crucial for thinking, learning and communicating mathematically.
Click on the vocabulary image to open up a Mathemtical Vocbaulary ebook. This was written by primary maths expert and NCETM Coordinator, Caroline Clissold. It provides a series of vocabulary checklists, organised by year groups and classified into specific concepts. The words listed for each year group include all the vocabulary from the previous year/s for reference, with new words for that year highlighted in red from Year 1 onwards.

Click on the image above to access our calculation policy.
The calculation policy has been written to ensure that pupils develop a deep understanding of number and calculation. It has been designed to ensure consistency and progression in the teaching of the different calculation methods across the school through the use of a concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.

We have developed a Maths Mastery approach for pupils in the Early Years through to Year 6 using the National Curriculum. We have adopted the White Rose Scheme of work to help us to sequence our learning into small progressive steps, however we have adapted some of the content to ensure that all of our pupils can all achieve high standards in mathematics and make progress.
These curriculum maps can be acccessed by clicking on the image above.