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Welcome from Mrs Hester and Mrs Boulter

St John's School Uniform.mp4Welcome from the Headteacher.mp4

Reception Uniform expectations

As a school we believe that uniform is important. Looking smart contributes to a positive school ethos. We are very pleased and proud that our students take pride in their appearance and follow the uniform code. May we take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of parents for supporting our school in its aim for students to have a pride in their appearance and follow the uniform code.

To assist you in ensuring your children have the correct uniform you you can order selected items from the PFA by completing the order form below and emailing it directly to suee_@hotmail.com. Orders will then be left in the school office for collection.  Please note that uniform will not be handed over without the correct payment.

OR you can purchase all items from Teenywear, 325 High Road, Wealdstone, Harrow, HA3 5EQ  020 8863 3892

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