Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies
St John's C of E is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of its pupils. Each pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance and we are committed to upholding every child’s right to be safe.
Safeguarding encompasses all the things we do to protect our children. All schools have a legal duty to protect children and at St John's C of E, our duty of care is to our pupils above everything else. Safeguarding includes child protection, health and safety, poor attendance or late punctuality, anti-bullying and preventing peer-on-peer abuse, preventing the risk of radicalisation, e-safety, disclosure and barring checks on staff and adults in the school and behaviour including ensuring no discrimination based on race, cultural background, sexual identity/orientation, disability, religion or gender
At St John's C of E, we will always take a considered and sensitive approach to support all of our pupils. Our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy states that our school procedures regarding concerns raised about a child. This is in line with the Department for Education (DFE) guidance which is set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (renewed every year) which incorporates a range of related responsibilities for schools and newer statutory duties introduced to protect children and young people.
Listed below is a suite of policies and procedures in place which outline the arrangements for the ongoing provision for children's safety. These can be found on our Policies Page:
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Keeping Children Safe in Education, DfE
- Safer Recruitment Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Behaviour policy
- Online-Safety Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Whistle-Blowing Policy
- Positive Handling Policy
- Intimate Care Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Educational Visits Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Allegations of Abuse against Staff Policy and Procedures
This is not an exhaustive list.
Safeguarding Leaflets
Our Safeguarding Children Information for Parents and Carers leaflet has been designed to support parents and carers in understanding the following information and practises within our school:
- Safeguarding in our Curriculum
- The Role of the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO)
- How disclosures are handled
- Reporting process
- Safeguarding
- File Transfers
- Useful Safeguarding Services and Websites
Designated Safeguarding Leaders

The Designated Person is the main contact point for any safeguarding issues within the school. The role involves keeping up to date with legislative and administrative changes in procedures; ensuring staff are trained in aspects of safeguarding including child protection protocols; liaising with external agencies such as health and social care professionals; working with the Headteacher and Governors to ensure St John's C of E School is meeting the needs of all children.
Assistant Head Miss Donnelly is St John's C of E School’s Designated Person - our safeguarding lead.
The Head Teacher Mrs Hester and Assistant Heads Mrs Nussbaum and Ms Allen are Deputy Designated Persons and work closely with Miss Donnelly. All designated teachers have completed Level 3 Safeguarding training with Harrow Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
St John's C of E School also has a Safeguarding Governor, Reverend Matthew Stone who supports the school in matters of strategy, policy and accountability.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all members of school staff which is why a regular training programme is delivered to everyone at St John's C of E School whether they are teaching staff, admin staff, midday supervisors or after school club providers. All members of staff, including volunteers and after school club providers, have completed either Level 1 or Level 2 Safeguarding training.