Maths Events
At St John's C of E we provide the children with a number of enrichment days throughout the year. We believe this helps to inspire a love of learning maths for every child. These activities include fundraising days e.g. NSPCC Number Day, Maths challenges, Maths Weeks that include fun and exciting activities for the children to take part in and dress up days.
As well as this, we have great links with Harrow Schools that we take advantage. We also ensure that our curriculum allows for cultural capital so that children are well prepared for their future lives.
NSPCC Number Day
The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) is a leading children's charity that works to protect children from abuse and help those affected to recover. Each year they host the NSPPC Number Day. A Maths day packed with activities, maths games, xciting tasks, and teamwork all of which ensure everyone can join in the Maths fun even if maths isn’t their favourite subject.
Children are also encouraged to Dress Up for Digits and make a donation to wear an item of clothing with a number on it.
Funds raised from Number Day will help support vital NSPCC services such as Speak out Stay Safe which visits primary schools across the UK to teach children about the dangers of abuse and what they can do if they need help.

Primary Maths Challenge
The Primary Maths Challenge is a competition-style challenge which is run by the registered charity The Primary Mathematics Challenge.
There are two types of Maths Challenges:
First Math Challenge (FMC): This is aimed at 7-9 years olds. This challenge is hosted during the month of June.
Primary Maths Challenge (PMC): This is aimed at 9-11 year olds. There are two rounds. The first round is held in Novermber. One gold, two silver and three bronze certificates are provided in each pack and a 'Took the Challenge' certificate is available.
PMC Bonus Round: This is upon invite only for pupils who did well in the first round, to extend and challenge their maths skills.. The Bonus round is held in February.
More information can be found by clicking on the image links on the right.

Created by The Mathematical Association, the Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC) is a fun and exciting mathematical challenge.
The PMC is not designed to be just another test in the school year. We are of the belief that the PMC encourages enthusiasm, boosts confidence in mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. We believe in the importance of problem solving as a means of helping pupils develop their reasoning skills.

Game 24
This Harrow schools competition is aimed at children from Y5 & Y6. Each year our pupils take part in the 'Game 24' competition which is held at Aylward Primary school. Children have to compete against one another to make the product '24' using the four numbers displayed on the card face and any combination of the four operations.
The aim is to be the first person to make '24' and must individual must be able to recall the final operation. Points are accumulates and each school is alloted a place on the leadership board. Schools coming first and second place are granted the 'Game 24' trophy to keep for the school year. Individual points are also gathered children placed in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place are awarded a special certificate.
This link provides further insight into the game.