Music for Youth Prom at the Royal Albert Hall
St John's Orchestra had an amazing day when they took part in the Music for Youth Remix Prom that took place at the Royal Albert Hall. It was called All The Hall's A Stage and this special event brought young musicians from all across the country back together performing. The Prom featured a creative project for up to 2,000 young people led by composer Tim Steiner which was rehearsed for the first time together on the day of the concert. There were also lots of other performances to support and encourage young musicians and music educators as they restart, rebuild and reboot live music making post-Lockdown, young people also helped in presenter roles and there was a spectacular finale for all performers inspired by a video made during lockdown. St John's children had great fun learning various creative responses for the collaborative programme. This included making strange noises on their instruments, memorizing a favourite piece, playing a continuous riff and singing amongst other cues.
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