St John's Got Talent Final
WOW! What an amazing afternoon we had celebrating the rich and diverse talent of St John's pupils. The hall was packed with students, teachers and parents of our finalists. Abbas and Jesica compared the whole event seamlessly, introducing each act and welcoming them to the stage. Our judges, Mrs Hester, Mr Mackay and Jerome had such a difficult job choosing 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for both lower school and upper school, but in the end our winners were:
Lower School
Upper School
![IMG_1830[1] (1) IMG_1830[1] (1)](/harrow/primary/stjohns/arenas/website/web/img_1830[1](1)_20240102170519497.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)

Here are a list of our finalists and their talents: